Initially, a detailed history is taken of the problem you are presenting with, including your medical history, general health and lifestyle. Time is taken to allow you to discuss the condition fully. Understanding your state of health, any underlying medical conditions, previous injuries and demands on your life permit the osteopath to work with the patient to regain health and mobility.
Next an examination is undertaken. This may require you to remove some of your clothing. You may wish to bring shorts or wear loose clothing. You may also wish to bring a chaperone. A parent is required to attend for the entire session when infants and children under the age of 17 are assessed and treated.
Your Osteopath will discuss all the findings with you and explain the diagnosis and advise a treatment programme. This will include all the benefits and side effects of treatment and allow you to make an informed choice before giving consent.
Osteopaths use their hands to carry out treatment. This may include muscle stretching, rhythmic joint movement, low amplitude high velocity thrusts or gentle cranial release techniques. The aim of treatment is to improve movement of a restricted area, increase blood flow through the region and reduce inflammation of the injured tissues to promote healing.
You will be given advice to help you manage your problem at home and at work and may be given exercises to do.
Sometimes you may be referred to your GP for further examination or to another health practitioner who would be able to help you more effectively.
On arrival you will be required to sign a consent form for examination & treatment and data storage, under the GDPR act 2018. Please read our Privacy Policy before attending your first visit.